What We BelieveWe're a diverse group of people, and we don't all see the world alike. You'll find a broad range of views and opinions here about almost any issue or subject. With many different generations, economic brackets, education levels, places of origin, and political leanings represented, the views you'll hear voiced here about pretty much anything are about as varied as you'd expect.
There are some things we have in common, though. Most of them we have in common with all Christians, everywhere. These are the things you'll probably hear talked about most often, and even when we aren't talking about them they hold us together in all our differences and diversity.
If You Want to Follow Jesus...
Jesus promised that he wouldn't make it difficult to follow him, so we don't either. But following him should be a major life change, and people who have come to trust in Jesus have always done a few things to signify that change.
First, they tell someone that they want Jesus to be in charge of their lives. It can be a close friend or family member, a small group, or a whole church. But they always tell someone they're going to try to let Jesus be in charge of their lives. They always repent. Repenting just means turning, and all of us have stuff in our lives that we need to turn from if we're going to follow Jesus. Don't worry if you haven't figured out how you're going to do it yet. Just do it. Jesus will help you figure out how. They've always been baptized. Baptism is as old as the Bible. It's something that most Christians through the centuries have in common. We've sometimes differed over "how" and "why", but it's a symbolic act that almost every Christian has done. It connects us with Jesus and his life, it symbolically washes away our sins, and it puts us under the influence of the Holy Spirit. At Northwest, we baptize by a quick immersion in water. Please click below if you want to contact someone about any of these things, or about becoming a member at Northwest. |